Thursday 13 August 2015

"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one" - The Journey to Florida (via Toronto)

At last, the day I had to say goodbye to friends & family (and Scotland) had arrived.  Because it worked out cheaper and because i'd always wanted to visit Canada, I decided to fly Glasgow-Orlando with an overnight stopover in Toronto.  Although this seemed to confuse my soon-to-be co-workers into believing I was Canadian, I was sure to make the most of my short stay and it made the de-tour definitely worth the while!

Woke up in Scotland, flew over some icebergs, landed in what looked like the set of Jurassic Park in Nova Scotia, took off again, landed in Toronto, soaked up some of the atmosphere from the Pan-American Games, ate some Poutine, watched the sunset from the top of the CN Tower, and walked the world's first glass floor experience at over 1000ft above the city... quite the day!!

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