Sunday 29 January 2017

Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths

So it's been almost 6 months since I finished my CRP and as you can see, after November, my blog posts stopped. No, I didn't quit or get termed- I continued to live what was the best 12 months of my life.  Like so many before me have said, I just didn't have time to keep my blog up to date/ was too busy living life (but I know my excessive updates on Facebook and Instagram more than made up for it).

For anyone thinking of applying for the CRP... DO IT! It's a life-changing experience that you aren't going to get working anywhere else.  For anyone currently applying, feel free to fire me over any questions you have.  I love chatting all things Disney and will happily share my tips/ knowledge/ thoughts :)  And for anyone about to embark on their own CRP adventure - have the best time, live every day to the full, and remember... it's your program!

So instead of rambling on... here is my personal summary of a year in the life of a CRP:

After finishing my program in August 2016, I then decided to travel through Central and South America for 3 months with friends from Scotland.  It was an incredible experience and I could have easily started a whole new blog to document my adventures! (maybe that's something for another day?!) Alas, I made a surprise trip back to Orlando at the end of October, which proved to be the perfect end to my fairytale journey.  Returning home at the start of November, it was amazing to be home for Christmas after being away for so long, and I quickly settled back into 'reality'.  Life continued as it had been pre-Disney; everything looked, smelt, sounded, tasted and felt the same as it had done a year and a half previously.  As cheesy as it sounds, I knew in myself that I'd grown as a person.  I met some amazing people who have greatly impacted my outlook on life, seen places I never dreamt I'd see, and above all, made friendships and memories that I know will last a lifetime.

Now that I've been home for a couple of months, I've had time to reflect on the experiences I had during my year in Florida, which I hope to expand on in another blog post.
But for now, who knows what 2017 has in store?! I'm excited to see what it throws at me :)

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